
2017年8月26日—rounded.corner.隱藏式聽筒設計.鏡頭上方是聽筒,S8的上下都有保留,要塞聽筒技術不難,而小米MIX則是採用骨傳導技術,但那樣會有擴音問題.SHARPS2 ...,2017年8月16日—SharpAquosS2sellsoutinChina,backagainonAugust18...tZ4;17Aug2017.Rectangledscreenalwaysthebestdisplaycomparetoroundededge ...,2017年8月8日—EventheroundedcornersontopoftheAquosS2screenremindmeoftheLGG6,butsincethey'renotreallyro...

SHARP AQUOS S2 開箱、評測、實拍照(高配版vs 標準版比較)

2017年8月26日 — rounded.corner. 隱藏式聽筒設計. 鏡頭上方是聽筒,S8的上下都有保留,要塞聽筒技術不難,而小米MIX 則是採用骨傳導技術,但那樣會有擴音問題. SHARP S2 ...

Sharp Aquos S2 sells out in China, back again on August 18

2017年8月16日 — Sharp Aquos S2 sells out in China, back again on August 18 ... tZ4; 17 Aug 2017. Rectangled screen always the best display compare to rounded edge ...

Sharp Aquos S2 is the bastard child of all those phones ...

2017年8月8日 — Even the rounded corners on top of the Aquos S2 screen remind me of the LG G6, but since they're not really rounded, the effect isn't very ...

Sharp AQUOS S2 評測:全面屏美中不足+ 手感不錯

2017年8月28日 — △筆者試過下載將熒幕角落均轉為圓角的Rounded corners 這個程式,但效果始終怪怪的…… 而重點是不少屏佔比高的智能電話,都是主打瀏覽熒幕顯示時可以 ...

【SHARP AQUOS S2高配版軟體更新公告】...

2018年6月4日 — ... /apps/details?id=com.thsoft. rounded.corner 這個屏幕圓角, 但更新8.0後, 拉下menu及鎖屏時, 也會無效, 所以索性沒用了, FYI. Rounded Corner. 6 年.

Sharp Aquos S2 hands-on review

2017年12月23日 — What's even more quirky are the corners; unlike the Essential Phone, and several other phones these days, the Aquos S2 does not have curved ...

[心得] Sharp Aquos S2簡易開箱心得

... [心得] Sharp Aquos S2簡易開箱心得 ... 推eddy334246 : 另外切角有看到可用軟體Rounded Corners修成圓角08/30 16:06. → eddy334246 : 至於這支支援QC3.0這是原廠 ...

Sharp's new phone is half Essential, half iPhone 8

2017年8月8日 — And recently, smartphones have been switching over to slightly rounded corners. But for some reason, Sharp has chosen to cut off the S2's ...

Sharp Aquos S2 (SS2) and (SAT) dev thread

2018年3月9日 — Sharp Aquos S2 (SS2) and (SAT) dev thread. Thread starter ... rounded corners. Nice. Betters setting qemu.hw.mainkeys=1 in build ...